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“My 3-year-old daughter started piano lessons with Pianimals today. She is on the older end of three as her birthday is in October, but she has been begging for lessons for months. She did an amazing job! I suppose being around my piano students since she was first born is a huge part of that, but it was so much fun to teach her! I wanted to share this picture and let you know you can feel free to use it on your website or other social media like facebook or twitter. I have 27 piano students this year and 6 of them are using pianimals! I really love your program for my preschool and k-5 students.
Thank you!”
Melissa Williamson

studied your method yesterday, and was very impressed with
how thorough it was, and how easily it explained beginning
concepts in an accessible way. I introduced two
books with two different students today, and both students
were very enthusiastic about playing with the accompaniment, marking
off the boxes after they practiced each song, and the animals
themselves. Thank you for putting together such
fun books. I'm definitely interested in looking through
the upper levels too.” Shannon,
finding your series I never have any openings because I can
take 4, 5, and 6-year-olds. When one child in the family
starts Phonics 4 Piano, it is not long before the older siblings
are grabbing the book and learning on their own or the younger
ones are begging for piano lessons too. Phonics 4 Piano provides
the kind of foundation that can nurture a lifetime of piano
enjoyment. The student completes this series confident in
note-reading ability and ready to take on Level 2."
Gloria, Florida
"Using Pianimals has revolutionized my approach to teaching young children. I used to teach only a few 6 year olds who had aptitude for other piano methods that have them learn notes on the staff right away. But a student told me 2 years ago how her homeschooling mother had used Pianimals to teach all the children in a huge family of 8. I gave it a try and I loved it. By having a course that keeps kids in the same position longer, has their favorite recognized songs, and doesn't get them onto the staff yet but instead uses numbers, letters, and dashes is incredible. No other course offers a large amount of pre-reading songs for the first year of piano study. This is wonderful because parents nowadays want to start their kids in lessons so early, even as young as 5. I now teach as young as 5 and a half, and have increased the number of students I have greatly adding all these 5 and 6 year olds. And boy do these kids love it, every one of them just love Books A - D and the Christmas books. Thank you so much for giving the world the Pianimals series!" Jeff Spicer, Piano teacher, San Jose, CA
going through the Pianimals books I decided to use it on
my first try with Group Lessons. I LOVE !!!! Pianimals !!!!" Pia,
all about kids playing music that appeals to them and keeps
them going to the piano over and over. The success
of Pianimals is the
MUSIC!” Marci, California
adore these books! And every teacher I know of who
has tried them has had
the same results. Pianimals really does take a very
gentle, fun approach that lets little ones work on rhythm,
hand shape, and other basics, without the distractions of note
in the beginning.
Book C, once I figured out what you were doing with each
critter, and how you use the pictures (of the cabinet, bed,
etc) to help the student remember the letters, I thought
it was brilliant. I raided my kids' closets and pulled out
Beanie Baby animals to introduce the Bunny Hop, Dalton Dog,
Bullfrog, and Kitty Cat songs. That was a big hit too. I
am so eager to see how lessons continue to progress!! I really
want to take on a few more young students." Annie,
years of teaching piano with a number of other methods, I
am enjoying using your Pianimals series. It really takes
the frustration out because it moves slowly enough for the
average and younger students and gives the excellent students
variety. Now it's more fun for my students, and for me." – Pam,
is great to use with kids who are early elem. (6-8 yrs.)
and for whatever reason are having trouble playing and reading
in other methods. I wish that I had this 2 years
ago when a particular 6-year-old came to me for lessons and
wasn't able to focus. This method takes a desire
that the young child has for music and helps to nurture it. In
a world where kids are pushed to grow up fast, something that
takes it one step at a time is wonderful!” Toni
I’ve been using PIANIMALS my students are so happy
and proud of themselves. They have been signing up for talent
shows and performing at school. Thank you so much for making
it so easy to teach and learn piano. I firmly believe in
your method and have had great success with it.” Nikki,
my very young students, Pianimals is what works. I
will admit that I wasn't sure about it at first, but after
starting 6 little ones in Pianimals, there is NO doubt about
it being effective. I have never met a child who doesn't
relate to animals. Even though it moves at a slower
pace, a bright child can progress faster. By the time
they are into lines and space notes, they have a remarkable
sense of timing. Without
your method, I don't know if I could teach them so young.
Thanks bunches!” Myrna,
am currently working with a boy with Asberger's, which is
a milder form of autism, and he
is a challenge, but also a great joy. Thank goodness
for the Pianimals series; it is just the ticket for Stephen!” Susan,
very youngest kids enjoy
Pianimals, and I also use it to supplement, slow down, and
really plant the basics in all my students.” Julia
just want to say how much I love Pianimals! I am so glad
gave these books a try. I'd heard others speak of how good
they were
but until I got the books for two little twin boys--at their
lesson, they were so thrilled with learning to play real songs
they recognized, that they played much further than what I
their excitement could not be contained!! And they played the
beautifully!” Debbie, Oregon
YOU, THANK YOU!!! I was really leery about ordering
music over the
practically sight unseen (except for the excerpts on your
web page), but I finally decided to give it a try. And
all my experiences with you have been just wonderful!!! I
won't desert my local music store, because she's wonderful
too. But now I'm not afraid to branch out to what they
can't carry. Thanks again. You've put new life
in my studio.” Helen, Oklahoma
was with much hesitation and no expectations that I ordered
Pianimals. Well, I have struggled with an eight-year-old
boy this summer who although a great personable and polite
kid, was giving me more trouble learning than I have ever
encountered in my 20+ years of teaching. I was ready to tell
his mom that it was just not working out and maybe she should
wait another couple of years. Although eight, he has
the attention span of a five-year-old and although he was
learning a bit it was beyond snail slow and he was always
asking me how much longer his lesson was or going off on
some rabbit trail right in the middle of playing something.
gave it a try. Well, I must say I am thoroughly enjoying
Pianimals and the young boy FINALLY is doing well and accomplishing
something. (Of course it greatly helps to have a great
mom at home who actually sits down with him and uses the
accompaniment's which I love, by the way). Anyway, THANK YOU it has
saved the day. The pieces are SO cute and the kids have picked
the words up right away and they LOVE the little animals.
I actually have been using it with another eight-year-old
girl who was kind of stuck in her other method book to help
give her the reinforcement and the little push she needs. She
loves it too and can't wait to get her animal sticker each
those kids are enjoying their piano lessons instead of dreading
them and look forward to their new songs each week. I
will be ordering again I'm sure!” Cathy
I asked some piano teacher friends what beginning method
I should use for my new high school learning-disabled student,
one suggested the Pianimals series, so I ordered it (last
minute - but it came Priority Mail in 3 days) and used Book
A with her. It was fabulous and she ripped through
the first book in a week. What a success! She
was thrilled to have the ability to play right away - and
lots of songs, too. The accompaniment was even more fun for her.
success! A student I started in another series at age
4 was in her 3rd year and struggling with note reading. I
moved her to Pianimals Book C that introduces the grandstaff,
and she is loving it! She is actually reading the notes
and not guessing. Before this year, she still couldn't
identify step and skip, up and down. After 3 lessons,
she is grasping the concept better than she did in any other
books I had her in.
for a fabulous method that fills the cracks for those special
students I'll bet most of us have!” Carol,
is one of the best thought-out methods I have found for young
beginners. It starts out with finger numbers, next with key
names, and finally with staff notes. There is enough reinforcement
at each stage for the little ones to feel really comfortable.
The little ones love playing songs they know." Mary, Wisconsin
just love Pianimals, I have less stress with students using
your series than I did with anything I've ever used before.
It's like they all 'get it' and that's so great! I'd like
to say that I've had more successful note readers with Pianimals
than any other series I've used in the last 30 years." Carol,
had written you about my little student. I had an awful time
getting him to do rhythm exercises with me………UNTIL
we started doing Pianimals with the accompaniment! He loves it because
it is really playing the piano, and he stays right with it.
I wanted to tell you how much I appreciate your accompaniment! I
am tempted to have my teens who refuse to count or keep rhythm
work with it! ;-) " Cheryl,
started one of my 6-year-olds in the Pianimals series. I
was going to put him into book B, but there were so many
familiar songs in the first book that I decided some reinforcement
would be good for him. I also thought that some of the tunes
would really be a great motivator, playing with the accompaniment. His
dad said that the book is wonderful. He told me that his
son was already sitting down and playing quite a few songs
in the book. What a great feeling! I am glad that I finally
decided to give them a try. You will definitely be hearing
from me again." Judy, California
4 yr old I began 3 weeks ago is doing astonishingly well.
This past week, he'd memorized 4 of the songs. I don't want
to go too fast, but I can't see any signs that we are going
too fast for him. I really appreciate your creation of Pianimals."
Kevin, Texas
wanted to thank you for creating this wonderful Pianimal
system. I love it! And it fits in great with my teaching
style for young children. I'm switching several of my younger
kids over to this method."
Liz, California
earning my bachelor's degree in music, I studied many children's
piano methods and found that quite a few move from concept
to concept too quickly without reinforcing. The Pianimals
series provides a slow progression from one concept to the
next without having to look to other books for supplementary
material. This series is a fresh and fun approach to learning
the pieces kids love. It is excellent for the young beginner
and has outstanding results." Carla, Florida
"I have to share this story with you. I teach a very bright 6 yr. old who
loves the Pianimals series ... more than I actually realized. We've
finished Book D and she's playing beautifully. At her lesson this morning, I
mentioned to her Mom that I was considering going forward with another piano
method - I thought she might be ready for another approach and, since I
don't have any copies left of Book E, I thought it might be a good time to
change methods. The little girl had her back to us during our discussion
and her mother realized that something was wrong. When she asked her
daughter if she were upset with something, the child turned around and was
in tears, sobbing, not wanting to leave her Pianimals. Isn't it interesting?
We really don't know how much of an impact we have on our students with the
material we use to teach them." THREE CHEERS FOR PIANIMALS!!!! - Barbara, FL.
"I have to share this story with you. I teach a very bright 6 yr. old who
loves the Pianimals series ... more than I actually realized. We've
finished Book D and she's playing beautifully. At her lesson this morning, I
mentioned to her Mom that I was considering going forward with another piano
method - I thought she might be ready for another approach and, since I
don't have any copies left of Book E, I thought it might be a good time to
change methods. The little girl had her back to us during our discussion
and her mother realized that something was wrong. When she asked her
daughter if she were upset with something, the child turned around and was
in tears, sobbing, not wanting to leave her Pianimals. Isn't it interesting?
We really don't know how much of an impact we have on our students with the
material we use to teach them." THREE CHEERS FOR PIANIMALS!!!! - Barbara, FL.
"I have to tell you, the more I use Pianimals over the years the more I love them. I just think this series solves so many problems/issues no matter the situation with the student. The students who are good practicers excel quickly through the series and the students that don’t practice very much or have some kind of special circumstance still continue to progress even if it is slower. Pianimals is also great for transfer students, solving those problem areas, especially when they are struggling with note reading and/or rhythm. Thanks for being so awesome!" - Jennifer, AZ
"I am looking at ordering Pianimals for 2 little girls I have starting in June. I understand that there is a teacher discount code I may use. Would you mind sending it to me?
Thank you SO much.
I ordered the complete set this spring for a kindergartener who I was just struggling to teach. He LOVES it! He especially loves getting rid of those darn fleas! We have used several of the 'extra' fleas in places that he has identified. I love the way this goes -- it is such a positive program. Thank you for having this brainstorm! - Christy